Past Internships
CCI Internship with Phum Archaeological Project
Archaeological practice relies increasingly on non-invasive data collection techniques, so learning how to collect/analyze remotely sensed data is integral to the Cambodian Closure Initiative. Our 2023-2024 Cambodia-based internship focused on using non-invasive strategies for post-fieldwork data collection. CCI candidates Sophearun Sea and Chan Dariya Nguon participated in training for geophysical surveys, Lidar drone surveys, GIS/Lidar data processing, and artifact documentation as part of the Phum Archaeology project. This internship also involved PhD candidate Earl Hernandez from UCLA, as well as Archaeologist Phirom Vitou and Sambor Chhun from the APSARA National Authority, alongside Akphivath Vitou, a crew member from Phum Archaeology.
Learn more here.
CCI Internship with Pteah Cambodia
Applied archaeology requires a wide range of skills, including laboratory expertise and community engagement. Our Summer 2024 Cambodia-based internship concentrated on post-fieldwork documentation techniques for materials recovered from the 2023 Pteah Cambodia field season at Prasat Baset (Battambang Province), but also included a community archaeology day focused on the presentation of excavation results from the Pteah Cambodia Project at Baset Temple. CCI candidates Sophearun Sea and Chan Dariya Nguon worked with Pteah Cambodia crew members from the Battambang Department of Culture and Fine Arts (Keo Dy, Narith Tuon), the Royal University of Fine Arts (Vutha Um), the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts (Sreyniet Teav, Phola Phan), Archaeology students from the Royal University of Fine Arts (Chhornlyly Keo, Sieng Panha), and students from the University of Oregon (Tiyas Bhattacharya, Zachary Dierks, Gabby Shaffer, and Marly Howell). Dr. Carmen Sarjeant (Campus Associate, University of Oregon; Senior Archaeologist, Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc.) provided ceramic technology and typology training.
Learn more here.